The Citrus Academy develops learning programmes in response to significant needs in the industry. Where possible, learning programmes are aligned with registered unit standards. Alignment and assessment documentation is made available as part of the course material.
The Citrus Nursery Workers Programme (CNWP) was developed in collaboration with the South African Citrus Nurserymen's Association (SACNA) and the Citrus Research International (CRI) Foundation Block. SACNA also provided funding for the development of the programme.
The Institutional Orientation programme was developed in response to a request the Citrus Academy received from mentors of emergent growers.The programme deals with the institutional and statutory information required by new citrus growers.
The Citrus Business Management Programme (CBM) is an initiative aimed at addressing the challenge of business management skills as a major obstacle to the success of emergent citrus growers. The programme covers a wide range of topics related to entrepreneurship, and business planning and management.